Lockdown’s easing, get your decking ready
With lockdown easing, BBQs and family gatherings are a possibility once more, but is your decking ready for people to view after over a year of neglect…
With all the drama of 2020 it’s been easy to forget about the maintenance your decking requires, resulting in it potentially becoming slippery and discoloured. This is due to algae buildup after rain and wood oxidisation.
So now is a great time to get your decking or patio power washed by one of our engineers using a high-pressure mobile jetting machine and get it ready for anyone visiting your garden for BBQs or meet-ups this Spring and Summer.
If this sounds like something you may be interested in please call our office for a free quotation…
Any works required can be booked in the usual way by calling our office on 01923 244466.
Everyone stay safe!
Kindest Regards